Man Builds 1:1 Scale 1969 Mustang Engine from Paper

We live in some pretty amazing times. Cell phone technology has evolved to the point where most people carry a small computer in their pocket. Cars are safer, faster, and loaded with gadgets too. There are even 3D printers that allow you to print off pieces of paper that fit together in a third-dimensional world. 3D printers are used to create everything from presentations to paper bikes.

Oh Gizmo reports that artist Johnathan Brand, a Mustang enthusiast in his own right, has undertaken an incredible task; to build an entire 1:1 scale model of his former 1969 Ford Mustang from paper. He just finished the first part, an incredibly detailed and accurate recreation of the engine. From paper!

This isn’t just some half-assed attempt either. Johnathan is recreating every little detail of the engine, from spark plugs to exhaust manifolds to the carburetor. And it looks good. But the engine is only one part of a much larger project; to completely rebuild the 1969 Mustang that Johnathan sold to buy a diamond engagement ring.

Johnathan, who has restored three cars with his father, is no stranger to Mustangs. This project follows the theme of “one for another” and while the Mustang may be gone, Johnathan has decided he could recreate it in a completely unique way. So far only the engine, a wheel, and a door have been completed…but we don’t doubt Johnathan’s ability to follow through. Just don’t let the paper Mustang get caught in the rain!

About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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